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How to optimize your network connection to improve your streaming experience

This guide provides three practical steps to help you identify and resolve network performance issues that could affect your VR streaming. By following these steps, you'll be able to assess your network's health and make necessary improvements, ensuring a smoother VR streaming experience. Let's jump into these steps to optimize your internet connection.

This guide will help you improve your streaming session experience. If you are not able to start a session at all, you can take a look at How to troubleshoot network problems causing failed streaming sessions

If you wish to learn more about the networking issues mentioned during the streaming, you can also refer to this glossary.

1. Check your Internet Connection

Start by testing your internet connection online to identify any issues. Choose a test that evaluates packet loss and jitter, in addition to speed, like this one. Ensure your internet connection meets the following requirements.

2. Repeat the test on your Wi-fi

If your wired internet connection is performing well, it's important to assess the performance on a Wi-Fi connected device. Ideally, use an Android mobile phone or directly utilize the web browser on your standalone VR device for this test. Perform the test from the exact location where you intend to stream VR. It's worth noting that Wi-Fi quality can vary based on the user's position in relation to the Wi-Fi endpoint. This step provides insight into the stability of your wireless connection and its suitability for VR streaming.

3. Enhancing Wi-Fi Stability: Tips for Optimizing Your Connection

If your Wi-Fi connection appears to be causing the issue, consider these tips to ensure a more stable connection. Take the following steps into account:

  • Router Placement: Position your router centrally within your space, keeping it away from walls, large appliances, and metal objects that might obstruct the signal. Mounting the router on a higher shelf or wall can extend coverage, ideally making it visible from where you use your VR headset.

  • Utilize the 5GHz Band: If your router supports both 2.4GHz and 5GHz bands, connect to the 5GHz band. This choice reduces interference and provides faster speeds. Note that a 2.4GHz connection might not sufficiently support VR streaming demands.

  • Reduce Interference: Keep the router separated from devices like cordless phones, microwaves, and Bluetooth devices, as they can introduce interference.

  • Limit Connected Devices: Disconnect or deactivate devices that aren't in use. An excessive number of connected devices can slow down your Wi-Fi speeds.

  • Enable Quality of Service (QoS): Utilize QoS settings on your router to prioritize specific types of traffic, such as gaming or video streaming, over others.

  • Manage Bandwidth-Hungry Activities: When low latency is crucial, steer clear of data-intensive tasks like large downloads or streaming.

  • Regular Router Restarts: Periodically restarting your router can help eliminate temporary glitches and maintain optimal performance.

By following these steps, you can establish a dependable and high-quality internet connection, leading to smooth VR streaming experiences.รน

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