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How to make XR cloud streaming work within a corporate IT environment

Using cloud rendering and streaming for real time applications is more demanding that usual video streaming because it requires at the same time high bandwidth and low latency from user to server and vice versa. Making it work within a corporate IT environment requires particular attention on several aspects. To help you, we have compiled a series of articles covering the most frequent challenges and their solutions.

Remember to first check the basic requirements here.

  • Testing and Troubleshooting: If you are troubleshooting performance or connectivity issues, this guide will walk you through essential tests and best practices.

  • Optimizing Wifi Network Configuration: If you have control over your network setup, such as with a home WiFi network, you can fine-tune settings to improve performance. Learn how to optimize your configuration here.

  • Enterprise Deployment & IT: Deploying Innoactive Portal within your organization will likely involve discussions with your IT department. To support the discussion and help your company to achieve a secure and compliant deployment, we've provided a guide with all the necessary tools and recommendations.

By following these resources, you’ll be better equipped to set-up, optimize, and deploy Innoactive’s cloud streaming platform within your network environment.

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