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2023-11-27 Release

Self-hosted deployment option officially available guaranteeing less than 10 seconds loading time

We are happy to announce that Innoactive Portal technology is now available not only as SaaS but also for on-premises infrastructures, we achieved a great result with Project Aurora from NVIDIA. The experience for final users is as smooth as before, they can either select a cloud rendering region (AWS or Azure) or seamlessly choose an on-premises one (Unmanaged) obtaining an incredibly short loading time.

Better LMS integration and seamless launch of VR trainings thanks to integration

The integration of is officially available. After configuring the plugin within administration panel, it requires exactly two clicks for the trainee to go from a standard LMS training module to a VR training application created with SDK and secured, managed and launched via Innoactive Portal.

Better visibility of Portal Clients updates with email notifications

We made another step in making our Portal clients easy to distribute and download. Subscribe here to receive timely notifications about the availability of new versions of our Clients together with the link to download them directly from the email. This way you can easily start to distribute it to all users. You can also customize the way you want to receive notifications and create your own automation, read our knowledge base article.

New user experience to launch VR and browser streaming session

We improved the user experience and wording of the launch button and drop-down menu. This is part of our continuous effort to make the experience of distributing 3D or VR content via Portal smoother and easier. Looking forward to hear your feedback.

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