Scene scaling, rotation and positioning using new UI or hand gestures
Ability to load USD models while session is active
Execute remote actions such as play/stop timeline of USD asset
Ability to execute custom remote actions that can be handled in the ActionGraph of the USD asset
Ability to switch USD variants (e.g. change car color, open/close doors)
Upgraded server kit runtime to version 106.0.3
Expert mode with prototypical features like AI voice assistant
Bugfix where CloudXR connection could not be established
Added more sample assets
Bug fixed where app was in an inconsistent state when logging in while a session was running
Regions: Added regions Frankfurt, Tokyo. Added synchronisation of region preference with Innoactive account
Renamed Fast Loading to Streaming Server and added the ability to create a persistent Streaming Server after an on-demand session by extending time in 1, 2 or 3 hour increments.
Bugfixes related to connecting to CloudXR
Bugfixes related to Fast Loading
Select regions for remote rendering (Ohio, Oregon, North Virginia)
Temporarily removed option to pair device by code. Until further notice, login with user name and password in Apple Vision Pro.
App uses company CI as configured in Innoactive Portal: Logo and primary color
Activate Fast Loading: have a personal streaming server with preinstalled applications for faster loading times over a longer time period
Start sessions that require Nucleus authentication on the remote machine
Login from within the native application
Start applications from within the native application
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