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Nvidia Omniverse Nucleus Enterprise Server options

With our Closed Beta, it is possible to stream our sample public USD files that you can find directly referenced in the Innoactive Portal application for Apple Vision Pro, as soon as you launch it.

It is possible to stream your own USD files as well, with the following approaches:

Request access to Innoactive Nucleus Enterprise server

You can request access to our Nucleus enterprise server, we will configure a secure and protected folder for your selected users, so that your sensitive content can only be accessed and streamed by you.

Use your own private Nucleus Enterprise server

It is also possible to use your own Nucleus enterprise server to host your USD files and stream them with our closed beta for Apple Vision Pro. This approach is viable as long as your Nucleus enterprise server is accessible from the internet.

We are happy to discuss alternative infrastructures and approaches to let you stream your USD files to Omniverse, with our closed beta for Apple Vision Pro. Feel free to reach out to us at

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