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Apple Vision Pro (Beta) - Step by step instructions

To start using the beta, an Innoactive Portal account is needed. You can request one here.

Check if you meet the prerequisites

  • You have received your Innoactive Portal Account

  • You have set-up a password following the email instructions

  • You have a fast broadband connection with at least 100 Mbps downlink

  • Your Apple Vision Pro is connected through a Wifi 6 connection with 5Ghz

Install Innoactive Portal on Apple Vision Pro

  1. Install TestFlight on Apple Vision Pro via App Store

    1. If you have troubles with TestFlight, take a look at this article.

  2. Install Innoactive Portal beta for visionOS from

If you run into issues or have any feedback, please create a ticket on our service desk

to Innoactive Portal

  1. Start Innoactive Portal on Apple Vision Pro and click the “Login” Button

  1. Enter your email and password you have set

Starting a streaming session

  1. Select Omniverse USD Streamer in your library, select a sample asset, and then click “Launch

Hint: USD Streamer is a lightweight Omniverse Kit app with faster loading times. USD Composer is a fully featured editing app incl. Streaming capability, that takes longer to load

  1. You will see a progress bar for the session loading. It can take up to as long as 5-8 minutes at the first start, as the streaming server is prepared on-demand.

    Hint: You can speed up loading times, see “Personal Streaming Server” below

  1. When loading is done, the streamed scene should be shown

  1. You can reposition the streamed scene using the “Reposition” button.

  1. You can rotate and scale the scene using the known hand gestures

  1. When you are done, end the session using the “End Session” Button

Hint: Ending the session from the Innoactive Portal web application is also possible.

Optional: Create a streaming server for faster loading times

  1. Click on the Streaming Server menu on the top and select “Start and preinstall apps”. It will create your personal streaming server and preinstall all applications on it.

  1. After approximately 5 minutes your personal streaming server is ready. It will timeout after 1 hour as a default.

    Hint: The first start will still take a while, but subsequent app starts will be even faster. 

  1. You can extend the time at any time by one or more hours. Shut down the server when not needed anymore

Send feedback

  1. Click on your username and select “Contact Support”, in order to send a support ticket to our team

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