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2024-06-27 Release

Secure browser authentication during a streaming session

Our latest update introduces the ability to open websites or URLs directly from a streaming session, facilitating browser-based authentication flows in new and secure way. This feature has been successfully tested with Nvidia Omniverse Nucleus authentication and Innoactive Hub SDK-enabled applications.

New multi-GPU performance tier available for cloud-rendering

To cater to the needs of high-performance applications, we now offer the option to select Multi-GPU performance tiers directly through the Control Panel in your application settings or general cloud rendering settings. In detail, we enabled the possibility to use a multi-GPU rendering node providing four NVIDIA A10G graphic cards.

Streamlined user Invitations with enhanced SSO support

We are excited to announce improved support for user invitations within organizations using Single Sign-On (SSO), it is now possible to invite a users avoiding the misleading password setup if your organization prioritizes SSO acces. This enhancement reinforces compliance with your company's access policies, while increasing operational efficiency and refining the user experience.

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