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2024-07-24 Release

Early access to encrypted VR streams

We are pleased to introduce early access to encrypted VR streaming built with WireGuard end-to-end encryption. This update prioritizes security by encrypting not only browser streaming but also VR streaming data channels, this means enhanced protection for confidential VR meetings, VR training sessions, VR design reviews and all sensitive use-cases, ensuring compliance with most strict privacy standards.

Configurable time-out for streaming sessions

Administrators now have the capability to chose the maximum authorized duration for a streaming sessions through the Control Panel. In case a user forgets to end their VR session, it will automatically be interrupted after the maximum duration (Time out) set by the administrator.

Adjustable retention time for virtual machines after ended streaming sessions

Our retention system ensures fast subsequent streaming sessions by keeping virtual machines reserved for each user after a session was ended. To ensure better cost control, this retention time is now configurable in the Control Panel, allowing system administrators to decide for how much time a virtual machine should remain available in hot stand-by after a session has ended. By maintaining a virtual machine in hot stand-by for a set period, users can experience quicker start times for their VR sessions.

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