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2024-04-45 Release

Enhancing Portal flexibility with Multiple Builds feature (Early Access)

Explore the flexibility with our new feature that allows a single Portal application to house multiple builds: VR, Non-VR, Meta APK, Pico APK, Vive APK. This functionality gives users the convenience of choosing their preferred experience from a unified page, whether it’s starting streaming for VR or browser, or initiating a local launch on various devices. As we launch this in early access, we are keen to perfect the experience with your feedback. For support or to report any issues, please reach out to

NVidia Omniverse Extension now available: easy upload and share via Portal

Innoactive Portal Omniverse Extension is now available, this extension for NVIDIA Omniverse allows you to create a sharing link to Innoactive Portal that will allow users to launch the USD file with Omniverse Enterprise in the cloud and stream it into their browser and/or Standalone VR headset. You can learn how to use it with this article: How to use Innoactive Portal Omniverse Extension.

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